Regulatory framework
Privacy Notice
Complaints Procedure
Regulatory framework
iTemple Employment Law Limited (Company Number 09139110 registered office 21 Temple Street Brighton BN1 3BH) is an entity authorised and regulated by the Bar Standards Board to provide the services of barristers. It provides services directly to the public (this is called the Public Access Scheme or sometimes Direct Access). Guidance from the Bar Standards Board on how the Public Access Scheme works is available here.
We specialise in resolving legal issues without recourse to litigation. If it has not proved possible to sort the problem out without litigating the issues before courts or Tribunals, because we are not authorised to conduct litigation the way solicitors' firms are (we cannot issue proceedings, file documents at court and serve documents on other parties or hold client monies) we will refer clients to solicitors' firms or entities authorised to conduct litigation who we work closely with (or you can choose a different firm of course).
Privacy Notice
Privacy Policy of Temple Employment Law Ltd (“Temple”)
Does Temple hold personal data about me?
Yes if you are any of the following:
You have had dealings with Temple or Temple’s clients
You have contacted Temple for any reason
Your personal data is in any document or correspondence sent to or obtained by Temple
You have visited Temple’s website.
Why does Temple obtain personal data about me?
Temple only seeks personal data about you where
you are a client of Temple (or a client representative or a beneficial owner of a client). In these cases, Temple may obtain personal data to establish your identity as part of its “Know Your Client” (KYC) obligations. The data might come from you, or from public sources and search companies. Temple only uses this data for the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing;
you deal with Temple or Temple’s clients. In these cases, Temple may obtain data about you where the data is relevant to those dealings. This data might come from you, or from public sources and search companies.
Beyond this, Temple obtains a variety of documents and correspondence in the ordinary course of its business. Personal data about you (particularly things like your name and contact details) might be included in these documents even though you have no direct dealings with Temple or Temple’s clients. This personal data is not used by Temple other than as a consequence of making ordinary use of the underlying documents.
If you visit Temple’s website (or that of The Legal Pod), then website analytics provide Temple with your IP address and your type of device and browser, but not your name or physical address.
What does Temple do with my personal data and what is the legal basis for this?
Temple uses the personal data as part of providing legal services, obtaining goods and services for its business and complying with UK law. The bases for this processing as ‘legal compliance’ in respect of KYC information and ‘legitimate interests’ in respect of other ordinary business activities of Temple.
Does Temple share my personal data with anyone else?
Not for selling or to make it generally available. But I may share it in the following circumstances:
Temple deals with a variety of entities in providing its legal services. Personal data might be shared as a necessary part of this activity or where it cannot reasonably be avoided
If you are a client (or a client representative or a beneficial owner of a client) then Temple might share details of your name, address, date of birth, and ID documents with a search company in order to verify your identity
Like any other business, Temple depends on services from various external companies. Some of these services (such as email hosting and data backups) involve the supplier holding data which has been collected by Temple
If you do (or intend to do) something which risks injury or harm, then Temple might provide personal data about you to the police or to the affected persons
Temple might be obliged to disclose personal data about you under a court order or a statutory obligation
if Temple is sold to anew owner, then all personal data will be transferred to the new owner to enable the continuation of the business.
Does Temple transfer personal data about me outside Europe?
Temple’s office and IT equipment is located in the UK. Storage is using Google for business cloud computing. These Cloud Storage solutions may be outside Europe but Google’s data processing agreement is fully compliant with all European data protection laws. It also has an up to date Data Privacy Shield certificate.
How long does Temple retain my personal data?
A file will normally be deleted after 6 years after its last activity unless there are reasons to extend that period.
What rights do I have in respect of personal data about me?
More detailed information is available from the website of the Information Commissioner’s Office but briefly summaries, your rights are:
to be informed of the personal information which is held about you
to stop personal information about you being used for marketing purposes
to correct or remove inaccurate personal information about you
to obtain compensation where you have suffered damage and distress.
What if I have a complaint?
Contact me, Sophie Clifford directly (sophie.clifford@temple-employment.co.uk). If I cannot resolve your concern, then you can complain to the ICO’s office (www.ico.org.uk).
Complaints procedure
Barristers in chambers are regulated by the Bar Standards Board. You can search the Barristers’ Register on the Bar Standards Board’s website: https://www.barstandardsboard.org.uk/regulatory-requirements/the-barristers'-register/. This shows (1) whether a barrister has a current practising certificate, and (2) whether a barrister has any disciplinary findings, which are published on the Bar Standards Board’s website in accordance with their policy. Alternatively, you can contact the Bar Standards Board on 020 7611 1444 to ask about this (or e-mail ContactUs@BarStandardsBoard.org.uk).
We aim to provide you with a great service and if you have any concerns about the service, please let me (Sophie Clifford) know and I will try to resolve the problem. If you are dissatisfied with the handling or outcome of the complaint, you may refer your complaint to the Legal Ombudsman (www.legalombudsman.org.uk). Please note that the Legal Ombudsman has time limits in which a complaint must be raised with them. The time limits are: 6 years from the date of the act/omission, or not later than three years after you should reasonable have known there were grounds to complain and within 6 months of the complaint receiving a final response from me
You can also search the decision data on Legal Ombudsman’s website: http://www.legalombudsman.org.uk/raising-standards/data-and-decisions/#ombudsmandecision-data. This shows providers which received an ombudsman’s decision in the previous 12 months, and whether LeO required the provider to give the consumer a remedy. Alternatively, you can contact LeO on 0300 555 0333 to ask about this (or e-mail enquiries@legalombudsman.org.uk).